Paris Fashion Week

Considerando o caos que estamos vivendo, qual o nosso compromisso com o que nos faz sonhar? É permitido ter pensamentos escapistas? Ou o certo seria entrar no modo sobrevivência e ficar em casa vestida de Steve Jobs todos os dias? É possível sobreviver sem sonhar?Não sei por que escrevendo isso pensei no filme A Vida é Bela, do ator e diretor italiano Roberto Benigni, especificamente na cena em que ele caminha marchando rumo a execução e finge para o filho que tudo é uma brincadeira de esconde-esconde. Para o filho sobreviver, ele precisou transformar aquele cenário estarrecedor em um sonho lúdico e infantil.Um estudo feito pela University College London liderado pelo professor Semir Zeki concluiu que olhar e admirar uma obra de arte pode ter o mesmo efeito psicológico no cérebro como a euforia de um relacionamento romântico, love per se. Professor Zeki apontou que aquela experiencia tem o poder de aumentam os níveis de dopamina no cérebro (um neurotransmissor que ajuda a regular a área do cérebro de recompensa e prazer) e aumenta a atividade na parte central do córtex. Em outras palavras, olhar para uma obra de arte (em qualquer formato) pode produzir no cérebro a mesma sensação de estar apaixonado ou um pouco high, if you know what I mean. And that, my friends, is happiness. Para quem ama moda, fique à vontade para liberar dopamina olhando para esses looks (meus favoritos) da Paris Fashion Week. I hope you fall in love.[gallery columns="1" size="full" ids="10711,10721,10722,10723,10724,10725,10726,10727,10728,10729,10730,10731,10732,10733,10734,10735,10736,10737,10738,10739,10740,10741,10742,10743,10744,10745,10746,10747,10748,10749,10750,10751,10752,10753,10754,10755,10756,10757,10758,10759,10760,10761,10762,10763,10764,10765,10766,10767,10768,10769,10770,10771,10720,10719,10718,10717,10716,10715,10714,10713,10712"]

Photos: Tag-Walk

 English Version Considering the chaos in which we are living, what is our commitment to things that makes us dream? Is it allowed for us to have escapist thoughts? Or would the right thing be for us to enter in a survivor mode and stay in an all “Steve Jobs-like” home every day? Is it possible to survive without dreaming?I don’t know why I thought about the movie “Life is Beautiful” (“La vita è bella”), from the Italian actor and director Roberto Benigni, while writing this, specifically on that scene that he is marching on his way to execution, and he pretends to his son that it is just a game of hiding and seek. For his son to survive, he needed to transform that terrifying scenery into a playful and childlike dream.A study made by the University College London, led by Professor Semir Zeki, concluded that to look and admire a work of art can have the same psychological effect in the brain as the euphoria of a romantic relationship – love per se. Professor Zeki pointed that that activity has the power to raise the level of dopamine in the brain (a neurotransmitter that helps regulate the area inside the brain that recompensates pleasure) and raises the activity in the central region of the cortex. In other words, looking at work of arts (in any shape) can produce the same sensation on our brain as being in love or even a little bit high, if you know what I mean. And that, my friends, is happiness.For those of you who love fashion, please be free to release lots of dopamine looking at these looks (my favorites) from this Paris Fashion Week. I hope you fall in love.

Rosa Zaborowsky

Editor & Founder of and Mom of 3

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