The Edit: O que as Editoras do Lolla Estão Lendo
Artigos interessantes, matérias curiosas, pautas nostálgicas, informações relevantes ou o puro guilty pleasure. Os links das matérias que as editoras do Lolla estão lendo nesta semana.
Lena Dunham and the Spanx Liberation Movement
Just How Common Is a Cannibalism Fetish, Anyway? - Armie Hammer me fez pensar nisso
The 50 best royal fashion moments of the past 100 years
Kurt Cobain’s Downward Spiral: The Last Days of Nirvana’s Leader
The Reason Bottega Veneta Left Instagram
Meet the New Cuomo. Same as the Old Cuomo.
Why is it so hard to investigate the rare side effects of COVID vaccines?
Photo: Devin Oktar Yalkin for The New York Times